Post by King V on Nov 18, 2014 19:12:27 GMT -8
How did you like the season? Positive comments, negative comments, etc
Post by Pokedude12 on Nov 18, 2014 19:35:50 GMT -8
Shenanigans: Best part of the game; but given my general tendencies/activities, this one is really biased. #AfterlifePizzaParty
Plot: Worked out pretty well for the most part. Required some digging but was doable after actually finding stuff, which is how it should be. Individual backgrounds linking to the overall picture is a plus. However, despite the fact that the Book of Fate had to be an obtainable item, I still wish there was a way to keep it from being hoarded. That's pretty much the biggest complaint I have with this season.
Not sure what else to say. Trials are something I'll never solve, so I can't grade that. Puzzles are very hit-and-miss for me as well. Investigation is well rewarded in my opinion, especially in regards to the plot. As for pacing, I can't make a reliable comment on that either, as I was derping around and wasting time instead of solving things. Overall though, the game was very fun to play; and I would play again when the next season rolls around.
Also #AfterlifePizzaParty #CactusJuice The shenanigans are real
Post by The City [EclipseZwolf] on Nov 18, 2014 19:56:20 GMT -8
Eclipse here for my feedback on Season Fate. Got lots o positives and a few negatives. As always let the monologue commence! Positives1. DRMMO JUNKEY SYNDROME: The same world as S1 and S2: While I know many people didn't see this as a positive since having knowledge of the previous games seriously affected how I would react to certain things. But I really enjoyed seeing old characters come back and having a plot that was directly based on a previous plot. Other seasons have done this but never to this degree (I plan for Blood Revenge and Confrontation to be like this to Blood Shift). Having the mastermind be one of the previous players is always a great revelation and it makes me super invested in the characters since I know them personally. References and all I enjoyed the connections!2. AN ARCANA AN ARCANA, MY KINGDOM FOR AN ARCANA: The Arcana System: Lets not lie, the arcanas are cool. 21 seemingly magical cards that can influence reality in various ways. They added a nice addition to increase player power and holding one made you really feel involved since you had one of the major powers of the game. The arcanas do have some issues so expect them to be in the negatives too though.3. TL;DR but I need to read them: All the documents: This ties in with the plot, I never found myself at a loss for new things to read and interpret plot with. Obviously I didn't find nor read them all. Even though they tended to flood up and confuse me more than help its always good to find that the world and past events were very fleshed out, even really simple things like the diary that threatened to kill you as you read it. No plot purpose, just some good fun. It really helps in making the world feel like we are not the first and that other PEOPLE were here and not some nameless marionettes with no personalities. That quantity led to not only helping the plot be followed, but the world being on that existed and not some closed box of just some murder game.4. Death is never the end: The afterlife: While I can't comment much on the afterlife and how it affected the real world I wanted to throw it in the positives section since the general response from players who died and kept talking with us was that they were doing crazy stuff and having fun. Peeking in now the riddles and areas seem deciding spooky and are pretty cool to behold. The fact that a player can still be involved while dead (especially with characters from previous seasons) is always a HUGE boost in my opinion since it means death is less aggravating.5. This is...straightforward but different: The Final Trial: Compared to previous last trials you have hosted that were filled with lots of individual points that had to be figured out this one felt more....realistic. We weren't having to counter a statement with THAT ONE verbal bullet. It would have been cooler with more people talking, but the sick **** arguments were fun. This trial just felt more alive even with the fewer players instead of just a series of hoops to jump through. I know there were loops we had to jump through like who the mastermind was, but they felt more mixed with the environment and didn't just dominate the trial. I liked it and enjoyed it.Negatives1. Whats a DRMMO?: The same world as S1 and S2: Its a positive for me, but a negative for others. I can't comment a lot on this issue since it seemed to be an issue that others had but I felt there were enough documents. Not a big issue, but it did affect some peoples enjoyment so I have to toss this in here.2. MAGICAL SHENANIGANS: Power Imbalance: The arcanas are not equal and they are not balanced for the form they took. Having a bunch of counters among the powers is good, but problems arose when one or two people stockpiled arcanas. If I grabbed the Arcana and its counter I ended up being VERY difficult to stop. That was the case with Satori having a load of arcanas and using those to increase her stockpile of them. Powerhouses arose and issues ensued. The system of counters works great up until anybody could have A BATLOAD of arcanas. The flipping nature of arcanas did leave it open for anybody to get them, but if a player ended up without one you ended up that instead of feeling strong you felt like you couldn't do anything. The power of arcanas was a double edged sword, fun for the holder, no fun for those who didn't find any or didn't understand.3. I KILLED TWO...DENIED: The Final Murder: I understand why we skipped this trial since it was a bull**** one pulled by the magician (me). I knew what I was doing and asked you if I should stop several times, but still got to go through with it. Then you skipped it which kind of ruined the point. Kaito got killed for nothing essentially. I agree with your choice of action here, but I feel it could have been handled better. I can only imagine the rage that would happen from me killing someone by warping in, stabbing, and warping out. Its basically impossible to solve. A poor judgement call, but not an issue with the overall season.
4. How do I...?: The Rules: Small point, probably my fault, but the rules didn't fill out exactly how the game played. Again I wrote the rules so probably my fault, primarily with Verbal bullets and trial theories. We may need to rework that. Can't say it enough, partially my fault. Last Remarks My last remarks on the season were that I enjoyed it and had quite a bit of fun. It was a good throwback to the basics of DRMMO with the exception of the crazy new form of the Arcanas. I had some issues with balancing and some shenanigans that occurred, but overall its hard to find any major flaws in it. My opinion probably is biased since I have played the seasons this was based on but regardless I praise the season for its story and execution. While not a completely original world it did feel nice to have a true side story to the original events of S1 and S2 that took a new take on what could have happened. Most of your seasons end with SUPER JARRING NONSENSE THAT KILLS EVERYONE. It was nice not to end up dead because of some surprise tidal wave or nuke. It was a blast to play and solve.
....Just one question...
who won?
Post by King V on Nov 18, 2014 20:05:31 GMT -8
Ai won of course. Ai was the only one who survived every test Lumai threw at us.
Ai was also the one who beat Mystio, so the winner is obviously me!
Post by Yuni Shingyouji on Nov 19, 2014 13:55:36 GMT -8
Although I did not participate, the plot itself looks amazing. Just wanted to say you did an immensely great job tying up the Lumai Arc of the DRMMO Seasons, I'm almost positive that you've tied it up enough now that it's literally finished.
I'm not saying that this should be the last season though, but I feel it's time to start a new Arc. I also nominate you on starting the new arc.
I'm not saying start a clean fresh start, take place in the future, so the old events did transpire. However, do so using a completely brand new cast, tests, and story. I love the old one, and it lives on in my heart forever. And I think now, it's actually finished.
Great job on that. And a good job to those who did participate, I see a lot of great investigations in the trials.
I still wish we had more active people, but I can't keep complaining about that forever.
Post by Ryohei Sasagawa[Hero] on Nov 20, 2014 6:05:55 GMT -8
I must say for my first game I thought for sure that I would probably get bored cause a forum game that lasts more than a single week wouldI believed end up making me feel like it was work but surprisingly it wasn't now let me as The City [EclipseZwolf] did present my thoughts using the headings Postives and Negatives... PositivesPlot...well I would have to say I quite enjoyed the plot as I do love a good story involving time manipulation and such cause it leads to quite unexpected plot devices and twists which were very apparent as the game went on. I liked the fact that yes the story was fleshy and full of meat and all each room had character and was quite entertaining to read. Everything was great til we get to the Final Trial will explain in the negatives...Arcanaeveryone likes to feel OP as a gamer we all know how it feels to be unbeatable and I mean who doesn't like that. The thing is they are cool items and the powers were very diverse although not getting one I was able to from a observational stand-point see the fun and pleasure derived from the hunt and use of these cards of power. I was alright with not receiving one until the power houses became apparent turning my might warrior into a hikimori afraid for his life. I also loved the conversation of card combos and such but again where there is good there is badDeathThe living people got quite the following by our ghostly ex-classmates they seemed to enjoy the game as much as we did as the afterlife was just as fleshy and even a tad bit more spooky then the living world although never sent there due to be honored code not to kill and my warrior skills I after taking a peak can see how those fing riddles would keep anyone busy all good no bad to say about there... Final Trial This was good and cool would have liked it more had I been active the whole time as I could have investigated more. my sense of humor made the trial a grand stage to state my ideas on why this was so to be honest I had no idea that there was going to be a final trial..until it happened...but it was mostly good... Negatives Plot...now here's where I sound like salty Mcsaltington but I found the conclusion and all the possible endings quite destructive to my view of the whole plot also due to the source material and the fact that the huge mystery required knowledge from previous seasons...I felt that many old players who were present for what transpired during these fateful(ba dumb tssshh) seasons or had joined long enough to have gleamed many details from these seasons were probably elated but I being new as new can be only joining the 27th October felt like I had started reading book 3 before 1 & 2 to put across lightly.ArcanaI did not know about arcana until the season was half way done...meaning I would have seen a card and left it there unknowingly passing up a good buff leading me to feel as weak as hell when I returned from my busy AFK as these cards meant I would be easy pickings so thus my hikiamori life was fullfilled by watching the skype like a hawk for knowledge of the outside world...much like The City [EclipseZwolf] said they just make the person really hard to stop and arcanaless you are nothing but a bug who dears to trifles with a god...Final Trial This returns to the plot being incredible tied to the previous S1 and S2 again I felt like I had only seen a 3rd of the story and due to several misunderstandings I was presenting clearly flawed theories and the MM was a male I knew it and well I thought Mystio the character was a female so when the big reveal happened I was probably WTF two times as hard as the others...
Final Remark I enjoyed this season although with no previous season to compare it to I can say without any worries it was best one I have ever played in . I will definately take part in future seasons and try to put in some more time into investigating and playing in general. I look forward to more SEAsons
Post by Yuni Shingyouji on Nov 20, 2014 7:02:21 GMT -8
I am a male for Main Seasons (1,2,3), and a female for all side seasons. In a season like this, it's always good to have at least one person present who was in a previous season. That person could enlighten and say things such as "Mystio is male".
New Player
SHSL Anime Artist
Posts: 10
Post by Akio on Nov 20, 2014 18:42:57 GMT -8
I just noticed I made it even though I did nothing the entire season.
Post by King V on Nov 20, 2014 22:39:13 GMT -8
I do apologize for basing the season so heavily off of previous seasons. I tried to make the plot as developed as possible to give the new players some base content, but perhaps a summary of the previous seasons would have helped. Technically none of you were supposed to remember the previous seasons, since the time loop cut through the middle of Season 1, but as always it's difficult to stop metagaming.
My balancing for SHSL powers was fair I believe. The arcanas were more based off of previous seasons' powers and less balanced. I had to make some improvisations here. I think limiting people to having 1 or 2 arcanas and nerfing some of the most powerful ones (i.e. Lovers, Magician) would have made them fairly balanced. I originally anticipated people to only be able to acquire 1 or 2 arcanas at most, but I underestimated how hard people would search for them. Complete 20/20 hindsight on my part.
I should have clarified a few things on what key aspects of the game to examine, and how to alter things on the game map (I recall in the first season I played that I also had no clue what to do and barely examined anything). We might update the game rules with this, it would be important for new players to know.
Overall, from the mastermind's perspective, the game had a nice start, then slowed down dramatically as the power balance was completely skewed (arcanas made people too afraid to do things). I consider the power imbalance to be my biggest failure this season, along with the lack of plot for new people. However, I did enjoy the ending to this game, and I think everything was wrapped up quite nicely.
Once again, thank you all for playing.
Post by Satori on Nov 20, 2014 23:19:27 GMT -8
My opinions on S Fate.
1. The Plot The plot very interesting and I like the fact that it was based on previous seasons even though I wasn't part of them myself. Although I didn't read much plot early in the game but as it went on, I began to gather more plot along the way especially near the end. I didn't like however that key pieces of plot such as The Book of Fate was kept away from us due to Kaito stealing it right at the beginning of the game. (Which was perfectly fine except he kept in his room for the whole game. >_<) Regardless. We managed to solve much of plot at the end.
2. The Arcanas Being one of the powerhouses in the game, the arcanas were certainly one of the best things I like about this game. At first I didn't think I'd get an arcana since I prefer not to move around too much but when I actually obtained one then got another two shortly afterwards, I craved for more and I ended up with a grand total of 9 arcanas. Holding this many arcanas really made me one of the most fearsome and powerful players in S Fate and I've certainly made a huge impact in this game using them which is something I usually don't get to accomplish in these games since I mostly prefer to play on the sidelines. Though there were times where I felt I let these powers go over my head and took things too far with them such as breaking most of the lights in the mansion since I possessed The Moon which allowed me to see through the dark and it made everyone so afraid to move around that most of them hid in their rooms for several days and almost could have ruined the game due to the lack of activity. I may be biased but I don't have much of a problem with most arcanas in general though I have to admit that some of them were pretty unbalanced and caused things to go way out of hand especially in the last murder where Eclipse used The Magician to commit an almost perfect murder that Sea didn't even allow the trial to take place.
3. The Afterlife Just like with all the other living players, I wasn't able to explore the afterlife myself but having possessed The High Priestess which allowed me to communicate with the dead players, I was able to catch a glimpse of what the afterlife was like for them. Although they weren't allowed to spoil things from the afterlife but I could tell that the afterlife was a really fun and interesting place for them and I like how they can still contribute to the game and even influence events in the living world (Like me surviving an execution) even if though they can no longer win the game themselves. Looking at it now though. It would have been Hell for me if I had ended up there since I'm terrible with riddles and puzzles...>_>
4. The Final Trial The Final Trial in this season was actually the first time I had actively participated in one since in most other trials, I usually just prefer to stay on the sidelines. Being one of the main participants in a Final Trial was really challenging for me and its a position that I'm not very used to. I was so nervous and I didn't even know what to do at first but with everyone's help especially from Eclipse, I managed to pull through and we actually made significant progress despite lacking key pieces of plot. Although we didn't quite win the game but the ending was still satisfying for me since we all survived and that's all that matters for me. ^_^
Final Comments Overall. Season Fate was great and was certainly one of the best seasons I've played and I've actually accomplished more in this season than any other season I've played before. Though I could have done a lot more and made some mistakes along the way but the experience was worth it and it was one hell of a ride! As always. I look forward to another great season from you. ^_^